spotInRoi (SIR) analysis is used to for:
A three-step workflow is designed for this analysis:
This vignette describes Step#3 above in detail. A small example dataset is included in this package.
A sampled dataset is provided:
├── fish-analysis │ ├── exon.csv │ ├── intron.csv │ └── samples.xlsx └── puncta-tracker ├── metadata.csv ├── spotInRoi_exonZ1X5I0.csv └── spotInRoi_intronZ3X5I0.csv
Spots and sample tables are under the fish-analysis
folder while SIR tables are under the puncta-tracker
In the PunctaTracker analysis, we have drawn two ROIs for each cell. The first ROI of a cell always marks the nucleus boundary while the second always marks the cell.
Below I showcase the following tasks:
First, define all relevant paths and load packages.
path.root <- system.file("extdata/rna-fish-example", package = "ijAnalysis")
# Paths of fish-analysis <- file.path(path.root, "fish-analysis")
path.exon <- file.path(, "exon.csv")
path.intron <- file.path(, "intron.csv")
path.samples <- file.path(, "samples.xlsx")
# Paths of puncta tracker <- file.path(path.root, "puncta-tracker")
path.meta <- file.path(, "metadata.csv")
path.sirExon <- file.path(, "spotInRoi_exonZ1X5I0.csv")
path.sirIntron <- file.path(, "spotInRoi_intronZ3X5I0.csv")
# Load package of course
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Next, showcase Task 1 & 2, which are somewhat simple.
# Task 1 - Count number of spots in each cell and plot
# Load data and count
samples <- rfish_read_samples(path.samples)
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...13`
dots.exon <- rfish_read_dots(path.exon)
dots.intron <- rfish_read_dots(path.intron)
df <- rbind(
rfish_count(samples, dots.exon) |> mutate(probe = "exon"),
rfish_count(samples, dots.intron) |> mutate(probe = "intron")
df <- df[df$num.cells > 0,]
# Arrange order and plot
df$probe <- ordered(df$probe, levels = c("exon", "intron"))
# dataset have two samples CT4 and CT16
df$sample <- ordered(df$sample, levels = c("CT4", "CT16"))
# plot X = sample, Y = dots-per-cell (dpc), color fill group = probe
ctcf_plot(df, sample, dpc, probe)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,30), expand = c(0,.01))+
xlab("Time Point")+
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
# Task 2 - Count number of exon spots in ROIs.
# read SIR table
exon <- spotInRoi_read_csv(path.sirExon)
#> Warning: 33 out of 148 entries record NO spot in ROI. These are parsed to be
#> length 0 mRcrd.
# count by cell
exon <- exon |>
group_by(tp, meas, plane) |>
# get number of spots and percent nuclear
n.nuc = spot.count[1], n.tot = spot.count[2],
perc.nuc = n.nuc/n.tot*100, .groups = "drop")
# filter (must have valid data and at least 3 dots in cell ROI)
exon <- exon[complete.cases(exon) & exon$n.tot >= 3,]
# plot X = tp, Y = perc.nuc (percent nuclear)
exon$tp <- ordered(exon$tp, levels = c("CT4", "CT16"))
ctcf_plot(exon, tp, perc.nuc)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 105), expand = c(0,.01))+
xlab("Time Point")+
ylab("Perc. of nuclear exon spots/cell")
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
Task 3 is more complicated. We start by calculating NND values in pixel unit:
# Task 3 - Calculate NND for each exon spot to intron spots.
# read SIR tables
exon <- spotInRoi_read_csv(path.sirExon)
#> Warning: 33 out of 148 entries record NO spot in ROI. These are parsed to be
#> length 0 mRcrd.
intron <- spotInRoi_read_csv(path.sirIntron)
#> Warning: 4 out of 148 entries record NO spot in ROI. These are parsed to be
#> length 0 mRcrd.
# select spots (here, select spots in the nucleus)
exon <- spotInRoi_selectNCT(exon, nucleus)
intron <- spotInRoi_selectNCT(intron, nucleus)
# remove entries that show no exon spots
exon <- exon |> filter(spot.count > 0)
# join two SIR tables
exon2intron <- inner_join(
x = exon |> select(tp, meas, plane, spotIn),
y = intron |> select(tp, meas, plane, spotIn),
by = c("tp", "meas", "plane")
# compute NND
nnd_compute <-
# for each exon spot, take intron spots in 3 Z-frame proximity.
\(x,y) ij_nnd.compute(x, y, z.proximal = 3)
exon2intron$result <-
with(exon2intron, purrr::map2(spotIn.x, spotIn.y, nnd_compute))
# (optionally) sort spots by NND value in each cell (increasing order)
exon2intron <- spotInRoi_nnd.sort(exon2intron)
# expand NND result table
# before: each row is a cell
# after: each row is a exon spot (w/ its NND values)
exon2intron <-
Now, exon2intron
is a data frame where each row is a
exon spot with NND intron values. However, the NND values
are in pixel unit.
To convert to physical unit, we need to fetch the physicalSizes
columns that are present only in the RNA-FISH pipeline outputs (tables
under folder fish-analysis
# Fetch physicalSizes columns
exon2intron <- spotInRoi_addMeta(
df = exon2intron,
idMap = read.csv(path.meta),
meta = rfish_read_samples(path.samples),
starts_with("phys") # select physicalSizes columns
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...13`
exon2intron$nnd <- exon2intron$nnd * exon2intron$physX * 1E3 # unit = nm
exon2intron$colocalized <- exon2intron$nnd < 400 # cutoff = 400nm
# Compute percent of exon spots colocalized to any intron
exon2intron <- exon2intron |>
group_by(tp, meas, plane) |>
summarize( = n(), n.coloc = sum(colocalized),
perc.coloc = n.coloc /*100, .groups = "drop")
# Plot, X = tp, Y = perc.coloc
ctcf_plot(exon2intron, tp, perc.coloc)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,105), expand = c(0,.01))+
xlab("Time Point")+
ylab("Percent of colocalized exon spots/cell")
#> Scale for y is already present.
#> Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.
parameter of ij_nnd.compute
controls how NND is identified. For a real dataset that adopted the
for exon and Z3X5I0
for intron, usually
we use z.proximal = 1.5
to find introns within 1.5 Z-frames
of the exon for calculating NND values in the XY plane. Here,
z.proximal = 3
is used because the dataset is sampled and
for some exon spots no intron spot could be found within 1.5 Z-plane